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Madras University M.Sc. Geoinformatics Admission 2014

Admission to M.Sc. Geoinformatics 2014
(Under Private Study)
University of Madras
Department of Geography
School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Admission to M.Sc. Geoinformatics 2014
(Under Private Study)
Organised by :
Department of Geography
School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
University of Madras

Programme Objectives :
The main objective is to provide a comprehensive training in theory and practice in the field of Geoinformatics at the level of supervisors. After the completion of the Degree, the graduate should be capable of performing competently the routine tasks in the field of geoinformatics and capacity to supervise technicians in the routine tasks and relate to professionals in the planning and execution of Geoinformatics projects.

A Candidate who has passed BA/BSc Degree Examination with Geography / Geology / Physics / Environmental Sciences / Computer Science / Computer Applications / Information Technology / Agriculture / Remote Sensing as the main subject of study or Geography as one of the subjects of study with knowledge of mathematics / statistics at least at the +2 level or BE Civil Engineering or any Information Technology related fields or an examination of any other University accepted by the syndicate as equivalent thereto. Candidates with degrees in other subject areas will be considered if they can demonstrate interest, aptitude and experience in a field relevant to the application of geospatial technology.
First Year
First Semester
Paper Name of the Courses Credits Exam Hours Marks
I Fundamentals of Mapping and Mapping Science 4 3 100
II Introduction to Information Systems and Database Management 4 3 100
III Geographical Information Systems 4 3 100
IV Surveying and Photogrammetry 4 3 100
V Practical - I - Cartographic Techniques and Digital Mapping 6 3 100
Second Semester
VI Spatial Statistics and Mathematics 4 3 100
VII Web Cartography and Geo-visualisation 4 3 100
VIII Principles of Remote Sensing 4 3 100
IX Spatial Modelling and Spatial Decision Making 4 3 100
X Practical - II - GIS Analysis - Exam 60; Record 40 6 3 100
Second Year
Third Semester
XI Introduction to Business and Web GIS 4 3 100
XII Digital Image Processing and Image Interpretation 4 3 100
XIII Geoinformatics for Natural Resources Management 4 3 100
XIV Geoinformatics for Natural Hazards and Disaster Management 4 3 100
XV Practical -III- Interpretation of Remotely sensed data and spatial modelling - Exam 60; Record 40 6 3 100
Fourth Semester
XVI Research Methods and GIS Project Management 4 3 100
XVII Geoinformatics for Business Planning and Management 4 3 100
XVIII Geoinformatics for Urban Planning and Sustainability 4 3 100
XIX Geoinformatics for Climate change and adaptation 4 3 100
XX Research Project Work (Report :60 Viva: 40) 9 -- 100
  • The duration of the course is for two academic years consisting of FOUR semesters.
  • Medium of Instruction : English
Course Fee for Indian students : Rs. 50, 000/- (Fifty thousand only) for two years.
Fees should be paid at the time of admission.

For Foreign Students / NRI : US $ 2,000 (Two Thousand only).
Payment shall be made in two instalments (First year: 50%, Second year: 50%).
Examinations will be conducted at the end of each semester. The candidates who pass all the examination prescribed for the course in the first appearance only are eligible for ranking. Examination for theory, practical and Project work will be conducted by Department of Geography, University of Madras. Question Pattern will be set by the Department.
  • Candidates shall read the Prospectus carefully before filling-in the application.
  • Applications must be complete in all respects. Incomplete Applications will be rejected without any intimation.
  • Attested copies of mark statements of the qualifying examination shall be sent along with the filled-in application form. However, the applicants who will appear for the final semester examinations during April/May 2014 shall send the application form along with the attested mark statements up to Five Semesters.
  • The candidates who have passed their qualifying examination from other Universities shall obtain the eligibility certificate from the University of Madras and submit the same at the time of admission to the Course of study.
  • To obtain the eligibility Certificate, candidates are directed to contact the University Information Centre (Enquiry Office) / ERC Section of this University.
  • Attach a Rs. 20/- stamped self-addressed 24x12 cm envelope along with filled-in application.
  • University of Madras is not responsible for any postal delay or loss in transit.
  • University of Madras reserves the rights to not to conduct any of the courses if the circumstances so warranted without assigning any reasons.
  • The cost of application for Rs. 300/- by means of Demand Draft shall be enclosed, otherwise the application will summarily be rejected. Students can pay their fees in Demand Draft (DD) in favour of "The Registrar, University of Madras, Chennai".
  • The filled-in applications, shall be sent directly to The Professor and Head, Department of Geography, University of Madras, Chepauk, Chennai – 600 005, on or before 31.07.2014.

  Contact Informations  

Dr. R. Jaganathan
Professor and Head
Department of Geography
University of Madras, Chepauk, Chennai - 600 005.
Email :

Source :

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  Error processing SSI file